The staff at the Beer Reserve is like none other! Our goal is to ensure your time spent here is well worth it. Every member on our team is ready to provide a quality experience while being fun and professional at the same time.

Mathew  – Mathew started working at the Taps Growler House in east Vancouver before joining the team in Ridgefield at Taps Beer Reserve. Mathew is the team leader. As Mathew explains, they opened in the middle of COVID and immediately began to create a warm and friendly vibe for their customers to feel. The community embraces them, which Mathew is so grateful for, and blown away. His enthusiasm for the highest customer service shows in all of the customers who return almost daily. “We like to brighten people’s lives when they walk through the door.” He follows the owner’s lead when it comes to the treatment of employees. A great working environment directly reflects a great customer experience. Outside of Taps, Mathew enjoys playing golf, basketball, and tennis. Big sports family. He has been married to Jennifer for 21 years and has three daughters.

Top 3 Beers
Fortside – Fruity Cowboy
Brothers Cascadia – You Like ‘A Da Juice
Melvin Brewing – 2 X 4

Jordan  – Jordan has been in the food and beverage industry for quite some time. His favorite thing is the culture Taps have created with the best customers around! Jordan is always excited to show up and have a great time interacting with the customers and staff. Outside of Taps, Jordan spends time with his kids and working on his home with the family.

Top 3 beers
1.Fortside fruity cowboy
2.Fort George 3-way IPA
3. Great Notion Blueberry Muffin


Lisa – Lisa has been at Taps since day one! Starting at Taps Growler House years ago, the most exciting part of being on the team for her is using her knowledge of beer and applying that to all of the guests. In addition, Lisa enjoys cooking with her daughters and spending time with her dogs.

Top 3 beers-
1.Ex Novo Eliot
2.Crux Pilz
3.Goodlife Sippy Cup

Daschel  – otherwise known as Stingray, she is the happiest person you’ll see all day! She always has a smile on her face and is ready to make your visit special! Lifelong friends of Kevin, the owner, Taps was an easy adaptation for her to fit right in.

Top  3 beers
1.2 Towns Cosmic Crisp Cider
2.Georgetown Johnny Utah
3.Crux Bubble Wrap

Jake  – Jake has been with Taps since the beginning, learning the ins and outs of preparing quality food and serving delightful beer. Jake says his favorite part of his job is the coworkers and customers. Away from Taps, Jake is an avid golfer with a low handicap. Fishing is also a big part of his life outside of Taps.

Top  3 beers
1.Fortside Fruity Cowboy
2.Crux Half Hitch
3.Melvin 2×4